Nelly ride wit me acapella
Nelly ride wit me acapella

nelly ride wit me acapella

I broke out of my shell as a shy kid and became the girl who went out of her way to welcome everybody. I graduated, and after flying halfway across the country to start at a university in Arkansas, I threw myself headfirst into making it the best experience of my life. Around that time, I rediscovered this album and this song, with lyrics that sing, “You could be waiting for a day that won’t come… You could be so much more than you’ve become.” Those words stung! I was sitting there, waiting for my life to begin instead of embracing it and enjoying it as it happened. I had a good group of friends, but I felt the whole exercise was a waste of time, and a holding cell until I could go to college (Yes, I know – I was a bit of a punk). The song is about finding your way and moving forward. “257 Weeks” is not their best song, but it represents my life back in 2006. I loved every song, placing “The Madding Crowd” high on my list of favorite albums, not far from Bon Jovi’s “Slippery When Wet.”

nelly ride wit me acapella

Album reviews were underwhelming, with people like Sputnik Music calling it “ completely unmemorable and woefully generic”. Nine Days is most famous for writing “This is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world” in their 2000 song “Absolutely.” That song was the reason I purchased their album “The Madding Crowd,” making it the first album I ever purchased for myself. In fact, in the job I started one week ago, I finished my orientation by standing and reciting an oath to defend it. More than 10 years later, I still carry my pocket Constitution in my wallet and never leave home without it. Later, I discovered my passion for public administration, and I went on pursue my degrees and my career in a subject I once disregarded. Somehow, I still scored well on the AP exam, and for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to discard my pocket Constitution. At the time, I had a nasty case of senioritis and I deserved (and received) the worst grade of my entire academic career in her class. Painter gave each student a pocket copy of the U.S.

nelly ride wit me acapella

In my AP Government class my senior year of high school, Mrs.

Nelly ride wit me acapella